AWTG is delighted to be a partner of HiPer-RAN (Highly Intelligent, Highly Performing RAN) project which aims to develop an open platform that can accommodate a variety of software-based intelligence for the entire RAN architecture. The project will contribute to the acceleration of open-interface products and solutions, as well as the development of an internationally recognised UK telecoms ecosystem.
HiPer-RAN focuses not only on developing efficient and reliable intelligent software applications such as xApps and rApps, but also on integrating such applications into actual RAN developments, thereby enabling measurable gains. HiPer-RAN aims to include developing a highly efficient, secure and scalable Open RAN Intelligent Control (RIC) framework, as well as a flexible, RIC-aware, physical layer framework. This accounts for the design parameters and processing challenges of Open-RAN systems and enables alternative ways of designing, developing, and managing telecom infrastructure that differs from single-vendor solutions.
Through collaboration with powerhouse partners in the industry including the University of Surrey, Keysight Technologies UK Ltd., Lime Microsystems, VIAVI Solutions UK Ltd., Virgin Media O2 Ltd., and British Telecommunications, AWTG is again set to establish a groundbreaking standard for the future of the UK Telecoms industry with this multimillion project from DSIT.
Andy Thomas, AWTG’s Director of Telecom Solutions said:
“AWTG will continue to contribute to the development of the UK 5G eco-system by further developing its solutions and softwarisation of its 5G products, HiPer-RAN will allow AWTG to work with industry partners to provide our expertise on the project and develop xApps and rApps and contribute to the development of the RIC.”
Regius Professor Rahim Tafazolli, Founding Director of the 6G and 5G Innovation Centre at the University of Surrey, said:
“HiPer-RAN is an ambitious project that will strongly contribute to the diversification of the UK’s RAN technology marketplace and will deliver significant, measurable and diverse performance gains across a wide range of requirements and use cases by accommodating innovation across all aspects of the RAN design.
“The HiPer-RAN consortium consists of organisations with a strong and complementary expertise in the field that brings together their prior product development and research outcomes with the ambition to play a leading role in the development and adoption of Open-RAN technologies, supporting the UK’s leading role in the field.”
To learn more about the HiPer-RAN project, click here.