GSMA has just published a case study conducted by TOT ( Telecom of Thailand ) and AWTG on AWTG’s Integrated Service Assurance and Service Creation Platform ( iSASCP). The findings were validated by GSMA as part of its Future Networks Programme, Network Economics workstream. This identifies areas where Operators can potentially reduce their Operational Expenditure (OpEx) and Capital Expenditure (CapEX).
The case study identifies promising Automation and AI-based solutions and explores how AWTG’s Integrated Service Assurance and Service Creation Platform enables the creation of new services and new revenues sources while enhancing service quality that translate into significant operational savings as well as revenue growth.

The reference is based on the implementation of AWTG’s iSASCP platform by TOT who is transforming its services to be fully aligned to the countries vision of Thailand 4.0 using its existing network infrastructure. To achieve this there was a need for TOT to create new services specifically in the IoT sector on its existing network, this meant supporting IoT devices with 3G connectivity. The new services are key to TOT’s growth without the need to build a new network-specific to IoT) and enables TOT to expand into new markets such as Smart Cities, Smart Enterprises, Industry 4.0 and Smart Homes.
Dr. Pairoj Likitthanasate , Vice President of TOT, was quoted saying that “TOT and AWTG have established the possibility for TOT to create new and innovative services on top of its existing network”.
The benefit of implementing the iSASCP it saves the company more than 50% of its annual operating costs with savings across engineering operations, customer care, licenses for service monitoring and operations, site operation and maintenance.

The Service Creation element enables TOT to create new services and generate new revenue sources from its legacy network producing an additional 250M US$ increase to existing revenues through smart city and enterprise services.
AWTG’s CEO, Abbey Alidoosti, said “We’re excited to be working with TOT and to see that our Integrated Service Assurance and Service Creation Platform has enhanced their 3G Network and will provide similar benefits for 4G and 5G networks.”. This case study has been validated by GSMA and has shown that the AWTG Platform and solutions are able to provide a cost intensity savings of more than 1% of the entire operations.
The case study published by the GSMA can be found here:
GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators with almost 400 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces the industry-leading MWC events held annually in Barcelona, Los Angeles and Shanghai, as well as the Mobile 360 Series of regional conferences.
TOT is one of the largest Telecom operators in Thailand operating fibre, fixed, broadband, iptv and mobile networks.
AWTG is an end-to-end engineering services and technology solutions provider for public entities, local enterprise partnerships and private companies that employ digital technologies in markets such as wireless communications, smart cities, Industry 4.0, connected health, smart fashion and new media among others. AWTG’s technology solutions cover Digital Transformation, Rapid Prototyping, Artificial Intelligence, Internet-of-Everything and software development. AWTG has been deploying the first 5G test beds in the UK since 2014, and continues to be the leading services company delivering 5G solutions for the various market verticals. AWTG has deployed thousands of network infrastructure elements across 3 continents over the last 14 years.