A Europe-based company, RetailHub, in collaboration with AWTG, is about to launch a service that can easily connect retailers to suppliers particularly startups. Reading this first statement, it seems like it is already something you can search online. But what stands out with RetailHub is its goal to make a seamless connection between the two using modern AI technology, finding the most compatible startups and suppliers for the retailers. It doesn’t limit to just tangible supplies but also services and every possible industry to cater to. Another good news is that this isn’t a one-time match. With its free trial or just a monthly subscription-based fee, retailers will be able to save so much time and resources finding startups and suppliers. It really will be a hub for retailers to expand their business, while saving cost from procurement providing only the most seamless experience for both retailers and startups/suppliers.
There are so many applications and websites designed to connect our personal lives and make it easier for us. In fact, if you google a personal social application and websites, thousands of different options will appear. And during the past years, the tech industry grew and flourished but was left stuck when it comes to linking together. Yes, LinkedIn is there as the number one social application, but there are still missing components that can create massive convenience for businesses and entrepreneurs.
AWTG is responsible for delivering RetailHub’s vision to develop an application that is seamless, innovative, and accessible to its target market. With its team of UX designers and software engineers, AWTG is in line with RetailHub’s mission and vision.

Why it’s a win-win
RetailHub will be a great channel for startups to build up their portfolio, find potential investors and explore more opportunities for their craft. Meanwhile, retailers can find fresh resources, direct communication, even support a startup through investment, and may potentially grow big in the near future. RetailHub doesn’t only delve into compatibility-focused features between Retailers and startups but will also have extensive features such as messaging, forums, news, podcasts, and more.
RetailHub will soon be launch online. If you are a startup interested to be noticed by retailers or a retailer looking for potential startups, contact RetailHub team here.